You selected "Ponder Ben's orb"

Fun Orb facts:

The design process for this guy was interesting as I really had to look at what I was willing to compromise on as far as the connection of form and function. I knew I wanted something as round as possible, while still being useful in some way. The challenge wasn't really the creation of the piece, it was more actually putting it to use in a way that didn't feel like a waste of effort.Once the form was forged out it became apparant that another direction change was going to be needed if I was going to keep the round bottom and tapered shape I initally wanted. It occured to me that instead of a solid base it could be a hanging vessel and that was the plan I ended up sticking with.

Initially I was hesitant to patinia so dark because I was really enjoying the natural oxidation of the copper, but unfortunatly I was forced to actually compromise with a commercial chain that I was initally less than thrilled about. I took the paint off the chain and messed around with it in some liver of sulfer. Everything ended up much darker than it had started and I think it turned out more than alright.

Hey baby I'm literally a forged orb. Why dont you take me Home